Goodness me, I cannot quite believe that it's already 2024...I havent fully processed 2023 yet! It was a wild ride and a successful one for AMT Theater, we have a lot to be proud of and I want to share some of the highlights that haven't made it onto the blog.
Our AMT THEATER TEAM was at the W42ST BEST OF AWARDS on the INTREPID with Publisher PHIL O’BRIEN on October 25th 2023.
CONGRATULATIONS to BIRDLAND for taking home the top prize!!
We got to meet NYC Council Member District 3 ERIK BOTTCHER at the awards and he had also seen our wonderful show Bettinger's Luggage. His support of Hell's Kitchen and the arts is fantastic.

Our Marketing Director Joan Pelzer went to the Police Athletic League Business Luncheon on November 14th where she got to meet the Hon. Kathy Hochul, Governer of New York State. Joan told her all about AMT Theater and how wonderful it is, we may get a visit from Governer Hochul this year (fingers crossed)!

We finished up the year with a celebration of the AMT Family with the Best of AMT Theater 2023 show. It was a festive night filled with songs, dances and scenes from a few of the shows we produced over the year as well as showcasing some of the talented people in our community. Our team came together for a final production, despite the exhaustion from a long, tough year, and created a magical night for our community. Thank you to everyone who helped make the night a fabulous way to end 2023.
2024 is going to be a good one for AMT Theater. We have a lot in store and I cannot wait to share it with you, so stay tuned!