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AMT Theater


AMT Theater is saying YES to fun, interesting, thought provoking programming this summer.

Our Black & White Movie Night was such fun! We kicked off the public domain movie nights with The Little Shop of Horrors and it went down a treat! It is a story that is close to my heart.

Can anyone remember their 9th birthday cake? I know Kelli Maguire can, it was a Turkey cake! Well, here is my 9th birthday cake story. When I was 8 years old my mom took me to watch The Little Shop of Horrors the musical at our local theater.

I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT and insisted on seeing it again the next night. My mom, being the wonderful woman that she is, said yes and we went again. I was as smitten, if not more so after the 2nd viewing and insisted on seeing it AGAIN. Thankfully she knew the Theater Manager and he offered to let us sit in the lighting box to watch it again (because who has money to see it 3 times?).

I was obsessed. For weeks I would walk around saying "Feed me Seymour!" and "Cut the crap and feed me man" to anyone who would listen, much to my mother's embarrassment. When my birthday party plans rolled around later that year my mom asked what sort of cake I wanted and without hesitation I said Audrey II. Bless her, she did it.

Audrey II birthday cake

Isn't it glorious! So that is a long story about how my love affair with The Little Shop of Horrors began.

When we decided to start screening public domain black&white films I found this 1960 version, PRE MUSICAL, and knew this was the one to kick it off with. I am glad I did, our audience was lovely and some even dressed up! Thank you to everyone who supported this night, Spencer Neumann and Kelli Maguire sang beautifully and of course the film was a hoot. We will be announcing our next black and white movie soon, watch this space!

Spencer Neumann and Kelli Maguire performing at AMT Theater Black and White movie night August 2024

Raj, Julie, Vincent, Daniel and Zoe at AMT Theater Black and White movie night August 2024

We started this black and white movie night series to support our New Work Development Program, old works for new works. Our next Reading Series is just around the corner, it is a stellar line up of short plays and it's all FREE. So get yourselves to AMT Theater August 23 - 25 to catch these brand new plays, who knows, you may be watching the first iteration of a great new Broadway show!

AMT Theater New Work Development Program One Acts and Shorts Festival August 23 - 25

AMT Youth Theater is doing it again, a Summer Broadway Intensive Program (summer camp if you will) helmed by the talented Mary Lauren. If you have kids or know people with kids then sign them up straight away, it is going to be fantastic.

AMT Youth Theater Broadway intenstive (summer camp) 2024

Also, Pete Dorton has put together a super night of Shorts Recycled...let me explain. Many films go through the film festival circuits and then if they are not picked up there is often no where for them to go, which is sad and so Pete decided to do something about that and he has set up the AMT Film Festival Primer - A Night of Shorts Recycled to give those shorts another shot at being in front of audiences and for the rest of us who don't attend film festivals a chance to experience them for the first time, all the while getting us in the mood for our first annual AMT International Film Festival in November! We will be selling wine, beer and popcorn and generally spreading good cheer, because that is our vibe. Don't miss out, August 28th, it's just around the corner and tickets are only $10 per block! A steal I tell you.

AMT Film Festival Primer - A Night of Shorts Recycled August 28

An aside: AMT Theater is a small and mighty team and place, I am regularly amazed at what we accomplish with so few people. I believe we do this because we try to say yes to as many things that will benefit our theater as possible. We have had a rather hectic few weeks, both at work and personally, but the AMT team has come together and supported each other in so many ways, big and small. It is an honour to be a part of this amazing team and place. Love you guys ^.^


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