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countdown to opening night!

AMT Theater

T minus 5 days until Bettinger's Luggage opens! We can barely contain our excitement and stress with this countdown! This is a wonderful and large production that has required an immense amount of team work, everyone is a bit frazzled at the moment, but things are coming together and looking fantastic. We are so proud of this show and cannot wait to share it with New York from September 20th 2023.

Bettinger's Luggage AMT Theater poster

Over the next few weeks I will be highlighting some of the Bettinger's Luggage team, today I am going to start with Tamara Flannagan who is the Technical Director of AMT Theater and is the Prop Master for this production, not to mention the go to person for anything technical or that is going wrong...she deserves a much needed break next Friday and possibly a medal.

Tamara, Bill and Zoe on our props and set outing to New Jersey!
Tamara, Bill and Zoe on our props and set outing to New Jersey!

Tamara has done an amazing job sourcing, creating and finding all the props for our 1970s themed show...which is no small feat considering that was last century people. In an effort to find well priced items we went on an expedition to New Jersey last month to scour their second hand shops for 70s things. Bill Olsen (set designer extraordinaire) as our trusty driver and Tamara with her eagle eyes helped us hit the mother load and we came back with a car filled to the brim with our haul. I was a good holder/looker/go between on the day ;) I may have come away with a few bags of my own...but I assure you I helped keep moral up and I did find a few good things for the set.

Obviously the whole AMT team has helped with the show, each contributing something for the set/props/costumes/design/directing/writing/organising/marketing, so thank you everyone!

Ryan (in wondow), Gina, Aiden, Tamara and BIll our fantastic techincal team
Ryan (in window), Gina, Aiden, Tamara and BIll our fantastic techincal team

As we look forward to opening night and the culmination of all this tremendous work let's take a step back and appreciate how far we have come. Well done team, we have something very special to share, something we can be very proud of.

Be sure to get your tickets here and come see our fun, heartwarming, sad and uplifting play!

Bettinger's Luggage rehearsal AMT Theater
We can't wait to see you!


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