The AMT Team is made up of a marvellously multi-talented bunch and Joan Pelzer is the one I am going to focus on because she made my day yesterday and it seems only fair to give her a spotlight here.
Joan is an Executive Producer and the Marketing Director at AMT Theater and she does a super job. However, not only does she do this for us, but she also has a diverse work portfolio and one of those is producing and occasionally hosting The Arthur Aidala Power Hour on AM970 radio. Last night she was hosting this informative, fun and topical show...and I got to sit and even talk about AMT and our upcoming show Bettinger's Luggage! Honestly, this was a surprise as I had just asked to sit in and watch because I was curious about this other facet of Joanie's interesting career.
It was such a thrill! Matt and Alex who are part of the team were so welcoming, professional and generally great, which made this even more enjoyable. The team produced a slick, fast-paced and informative show discussing the important current political news - i.e. that GOP debate where a certain someone decided not to attend and the ones who did just shouted at each other for a seemingly endless time. Obviously the guests and hosts were more insightful than me and I learnt a lot. The full list of guests and topics is at the end of this post, be sure to follow the links for more info and to listen to the entire show.

Something that Joanie brought up is how the timing of our new show, Bettinger's Luggage, is so pertinent and relevant. It is a show about a diverse neighbourhood where people from all walks of life and religions help and support each other in times of joy, need and desperate sadness. It talks about how we are not that different from each other and in reality we have the same needs and desires: namely, to be loved and to have the opportunity to follow our dreams. The world is quite a nasty place at the moment where hate and vitriol are given way too much airtime, we need shows like this to remind us that there is still plenty of good in this world.

The Arthur Aidala Power Hour 8-24-23 Guest Host: Joan Pelzer, Executive Producer of The Arthur Aidala Power Hour on AM 970 The Answer & featuring Matthew SambolinO
Guests: Scott Levenson, Political Consultant, President and Founder of The Advance Group discussing the aftermath of first GOP Debate , Zoe Reeve, Director of Development, AMT Theater, on the upcoming production of Bettinger's Luggage , Professor Alain Sanders, Attorney, Former Times Magazine Senior Reporter and Professor Emeritus of Political Science at St. Peter's University in Jersey City, NJ on President Donald J. Trump turning himself in following his indictment in Georgia, Chief Michael J. Kemper, NYPD Chief of Transit, on subway crime & Uncle Frank Muratore, on an upcoming car show in October on Long Island

Couldn't stop smiling, Joan Pelzer and Zoë Reeve at the AM970 The Answer Studios downtown.